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Parent Responsibilities

I understand that: 

  • I am responsible for the daily monitoring/verification of all subjects studied, with scheduled monitoring by the CHSA teacher. 
  • I will evaluate and grade all student work DAILY; I will complete required paperwork. 
  • If I become aware of special or extenuating circumstances that will prohibit my student from turning in the assigned work by the due date, I will contact the CHSA teacher PRIOR to the due date to make alternative arrangements. 
  • I understand that it is my responsibity to provide any needed transportation for my child's scheduled meetings and class times and that lack of transporation is not an acceptable reason for failing to meet with CHSA teacher. 
  • I have the right to appeal any decisions about my child's placement in accordance with the school's policies and procedures. 
  • I will set aside an allotted amount of time daily to work with my child. Kindergarten 3.5 hours per day, 1st-3rd 4.75 hours per day, and 4th-8th 5 hours per day. 
  • I will provide school with immunization records upon registration.  

Student Responsibilities

 I understand that:

  • I voluntarily request participation in this independent study program and agree to the terms. 
  • I will complete all course work assigned to me.
  • I will spend required amount of time on my studies each day. Kindergarten: 3.5 hours per day, 1st-3rd: 4.75 hours per day, 4th-8th: 5 hours per day
  • I will be cooperative and actively engaged during my meeting with my CHSA teacher and my academic class.
  • I will be responsible for my own learning.

CHSA Teacher Responsiblities

I understand that: 

  • The CHSA teacher will assign a body of work to be completed during the duration of the term. 
  • The CHSA teacher will evaluate work in a timely manner. 
  • The CHSA teacher will provide ongoing assessments of student growth.
  • The CHSA teacher will provide additional assistance to students in needed areas. 

Non-Compliance Policy

Failure to make progress with our signed Master Agreement puts your child in jeopardy of being terminated from Charter Home School Academy and referred to another educational option to meet the requirements of the compulsory attendance law.  If you need information or assistance with your educational options, we will be pleased to assist you.